Compute the VACS Index 1 given the predictors.
- age
Numeric. Age in years.
- cd4_count
Numeric. CD4 cell count. cell/mm\(^3\).
- hiv1_rna
Numeric. Viral load. copies/mL.
- hgb
Numeric. Hemoglobin. g/dL.
- fib4
Numeric. Fibrosis-4 Index for liver fibrosis.
- egfr
Numeric. Estimated glomerular filtration rate. (ml/min/1.73m\(^2\)).
- hepc
Logical. TRUE for co-infection with hepatitis C virus.
returns a numerical vector and points_vacsindex1()
returns a list of the parameters used to compute the VACS Index 1.
Tate, J. P., Justice, A. C., Hughes, M. D., Bonnet, F., Reiss, P., Mocroft, A., ... & Sterne, J. A. (2013). An internationally generalizable risk index for mortality after one year of antiretroviral therapy. AIDS (London, England), 27(4), 563.
Bebu, I., Tate, J., Rimland, D., Mesner, O., Macalino, G. E., Ganesan, A., ... & Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program HIV Working Group. (2014). The VACS index predicts mortality in a young, healthy HIV population starting highly active antiretroviral therapy. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 65(2), 226.
Justice, A. C., Modur, S., Tate, J. P., Althoff, K. N., Jacobson, L. P., Gebo, K., ... & Gange, S. J. (2013). Predictive accuracy of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) index for mortality with HIV infection: a north American cross cohort analysis. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 62(2), 149.
vacs1$score_vacs1 <- score_vacsindex1(
age = vacs1$age, cd4_count = vacs1$cd4, hiv1_rna = vacs1$hiv1_rna,
hgb = vacs1$hgb, fib4 = vacs1$fib4, egfr = vacs1$egfr,
hepc = vacs1$hepc)