Compute permutation marginal tests for linear models. This function produces t statistics with univariate and bivariate p-values. It gives the choice between multiple methods to handle nuisance variables.

  data = NULL,
  np = 5000,
  method = NULL,
  type = "permutation",



A formula object.


A data frame or matrix.


The number of permutations. Default value is 5000.


A character string indicating the method use to handle nuisance variables. Default is "freedman_lane". For the other methods, see details.


A character string to specify the type of transformations: "permutation" and "signflip" are available. Is overridden if P is given. See help from Pmat.


Futher arguments, see details.


A lmperm object. See aovperm.


The following methods are available for the fixed effects model defined as \(y = D\eta + X\beta + \epsilon\). If we want to test \(\beta = 0\) and take into account the effects of the nuisance variables \(D\), we transform the data :

method argument\(y*\)\(D*\)\(X*\)
"kennedy"\(PR_D y\)\(R_D X\)
"huh_jhun"\(PV'R_Dy\)\(V'R_D X\)
"dekker"\(y\)\(D\)\(PR_D X\)

Other arguments could be pass in ... :

P : a matrix containing the permutations of class matrix or Pmat for the reproductibility of the results. The first column must be the identity. P overwrites np argument.

rnd_rotation : a random matrix of size \(n \times n\) to compute the rotation used for the "huh_jhun" method.


Kherad-Pajouh, S., & Renaud, O. (2010). An exact permutation method for testing any effect in balanced and unbalanced fixed effect ANOVA. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54(7), 1881-1893.

Kherad-Pajouh, S., & Renaud, O. (2015). A general permutation approach for analyzing repeated measures ANOVA and mixed-model designs. Statistical Papers, 56(4), 947-967.

Winkler, A. M., Ridgway, G. R., Webster, M. A., Smith, S. M., & Nichols, T. E. (2014). Permutation inference for the general linear model. Neuroimage, 92, 381-397.

See also

aovperm plot.lmperm

Other main function: aovperm(), clusterlm()



## data

## Testing at 14 days
emergencycost$LOS14 <- emergencycost$LOS - 14

## Univariate t test
contrasts(emergencycost$insurance) <- contr.sum
contrasts(emergencycost$sex) <- contr.sum

## Warning : np argument must be greater (recommendation: np>=5000)
modlm_cost_14 <- lmperm(cost ~ LOS14*sex*insurance, data = emergencycost, np = 2000)
#> Table of marginal t-test of the betas
#> Resampling test using freedman_lane to handle nuisance variables and 2000 permutations.
#>                       Estimate Std. Error t value parametric Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)            14217.0     360.17 39.4730           6.648e-87
#> LOS14                    845.5      38.45 21.9873           2.588e-51
#> sex1                    -894.7     360.17 -2.4840           1.397e-02
#> insurance1               169.1     360.17  0.4696           6.392e-01
#> LOS14:sex1               -52.2      38.45 -1.3575           1.765e-01
#> LOS14:insurance1          98.1      38.45  2.5512           1.163e-02
#> sex1:insurance1         -149.7     360.17 -0.4155           6.783e-01
#> LOS14:sex1:insurance1    -66.7      38.45 -1.7347           8.463e-02
#>                       resampled Pr(<t) resampled Pr(>t) resampled Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)                                                               
#> LOS14                           1.0000           0.0005             0.0005
#> sex1                            0.0140           0.9865             0.0215
#> insurance1                      0.6685           0.3320             0.6030
#> LOS14:sex1                      0.0865           0.9140             0.1750
#> LOS14:insurance1                0.9865           0.0140             0.0280
#> sex1:insurance1                 0.3420           0.6585             0.6510
#> LOS14:sex1:insurance1           0.0480           0.9525             0.0950